Frank Wright
Help evacuate suffering Christians in Gaza:LifeFunder
Note from LifeSiteNews co-founder Steve Jalsevac: We may not agree with everything said in this Tucker Carlson interview with the dynamic duo of Vietnam war hero/Academy Award winning film producer Oliver Stone, and his collaborator expert on U.S. history and Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute, Peter Kuznick – but ALL North Americans and Europeans should watch it.
A thought-provoking tour de force education experience on the Ukraine war, recent U.S. history suppressed in today’s media and schools, the current war in Israel, the massive dangers we are imminently facing, and much more. The sincerity of the two prominent anti-war guests is refreshing. They are exceptionally well-informed, not your usual self-serving political manipulators and are truly worried for America and the world.
(LifeSiteNews) — With the contrived “war on terror,” Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute Peter Kuznick explains, the “global domination” project of the “neocons” could be put into action.
How close are we to nuclear war – asks Tucker Carlson in a video published January 11, and how did the American people get pushed to the brink of Armageddon?
Oliver Stone’s reply is not only that he is “scared” because we are so close. The “conspiracy theorist” movie director also argues that we have been brought to this point by a century-long project to promote all-out war with Russia.
Yet Stone is not alone in saying this. He is partnered in the interview with Professor Peter Ruznick, whose specialism in American history and in nuclear policy has seen them co-produce a retelling of American history whose lessons have never been more urgently relevant than today.
Noting the dangerous times, Stone says the plan for war was never presented to the voters.
“I voted for Biden in 2018. He never gave us any indication of a war with Russia. Yet everything he has done has been to antagonize Russia.”
Stone reminds viewers that Biden called Putin a murderer before he was “elected.” In so doing, Stone says “Biden hasn’t been very diplomatic” ever since.
The Biden admin has continued to “push war…in a self-defeating suicidal strategy to weaken Russia” – whilst abandoning diplomacy completely. As tensions rose over U.S.-backed provocations in Ukraine, Biden said he could see no reason at all to speak with Putin. The Biden admin has hardly spoken to the Russians – the world’s leading nuclear power – since February 2022.
His actions – sanctions, supplying weapons to kill Russians, and constant escalation – have spoken for him and the power behind his presidency. Even Deep State journal Foreign Policy said Biden’s “failed approach…of escalation management” is making the world less safe.
So, according to Stone and Kuznick, is the propaganda line “fed to Americans.” They say that “[t]he line pushed by Kamala Harris” is the mainstream narrative today in the push for a full-scale war. This reduces to the oft-repeated false claim that “Russia wants Ukraine and then they are going to go for Poland.”
Kuznick adds that this line is also promoted in the media by the leader of the European Commission, Ursula von Der Leyen – to align European public opinion with that made in America.
“The woman who runs the EU…is constantly saying these ‘ignorant things’ –as if the cold war had never ended,” says Kuznick, claiming that“[t]he British are the worst.”
Kuznick points out that the British prime minister, Keir Starmer, continues to urge escalation to war with Russia – in a curiously personalized attack on the Russian president.
“Starmer said two days ago that ‘we have to punish Putin to the maximum.'”
Stone says it is “bizarre” to “personalize” these attacks. “We didn’t talk like that when we were mature – back in the 50s and 60s.”
What has changed? Whilst Stone and Kuznick note that the Democratic Party is now realigned with the permanent war faction of the neocons, both men – together with Carlson – make a case that the current crisis can be traced through decades of Deep State designs.
Perhaps more important – according to Kuznick and Stone – is what has not changed at all. This, according to them, is revealed by what they call the untold history of the United States.
The long war on Russia
American history professor Peter Kuznick says that the U.S. has been pivoting to war with Russia for over a century. A director of the Nuclear Studies Institute, he too is concerned that this hundred-year cold war may go hot.
Kuznick, co-author with Stone of the 2013 book “The Untold History of the United States” – an account of a Cold War with Russia which both men say has never really ended – and which began not in 1945, but under President Woodrow Wilson towards the end of World War One.
The two men also produced a ten-part documentary series of the same name – retelling the story of the United States through the presidents and the policies which shaped America through a century of war and the propaganda which sells it.
They argue that these policies have produced the permanent state of emergency we now inhabit, with cold war brinkmanship now steering the United States –and the world – into the danger of a global nuclear conflict.
9/11 and the war on terror
What happened after the so-called “end” of the cold war was the “War on Terror.” Though launched in the weeks following the attacks of September 11th, 2001 – both Kuznick and Stone tell Carlson that the blueprint for a technocratic expansion of U.S. power was already in place.
Citing Zbigniew Brzezinski – the U.S. foreign policy chief under President Jimmy Carter –Kuznick explains why “NATO expansion” and the “separation of Ukraine from Russia” became an urgent priority to enlarge the Deep State empire.
With the contrived “war on terror,” Kuznick explains, the “global domination” project of the “neocons” could be put into action. As Kuznick argues, “And then in 1997 the Project for a New American Century takes shape. And that really fleshes it out much greater.”
Kuznick refers to a startling report from the year 2000 which says such a project will require massive spending on defense – which could not be justified without “a new Pearl Harbor.”
That was referring to what many now think that Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen by President Theodore Roosevelt in order to sway U.S. public opinion that was strongly opposed to U.S. involvement in the European war.
“And they got that in 2001 with 9/11,” he concludes. That is, the Patriot Act, which was implemented because of 9/11 and which dramatically increased government surveillance of the American public.
The Scottish Sunday Herald recorded in 2002 that the formerly secret report showed that “Bush planned Iraq War before becoming President.”
The article quoted directly from the 2000 paper from the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), which provided:“…a blueprint for maintaining global U.S. pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests.”
The report, titled “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces And Resources For A New Century,” was published in September 2000, two months prior to the contested election which saw George W. Bush become president.
The “New Pearl Harbor” of 9/11 also led to U.S. involvement in 6 of the 7 Middle East wars that Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu previously insisted the United States needed to engage in to prevent Islamist terrorist attacks in America. In reality, he wanted those wars to facilitate Israel’s expansion plans in the region.
This is part of the “mystery” of the September 11th attacks, says Stone.
“In what sense do I think it’s a mystery? I don’t think it’s solved because not all the evidence of 9/11 has come out.”
Carlson points out that,“We can’t assess it because the files are still classified. 23 years later.”
Congressman Curt Weldon is lobbying the incoming Trump Administration to reinvestigate 9/11 –pressing Trump on his promise of June 2024 to “declassify everything” still held in secret about the attacks as well as on the JFK assassination –and those on Jeffrey Epstein said by some now to have almost certainly been a top Israeli Mossad agent.
The nominee for the new head of the CIA, Kash Patel, has said he has “seen it all”, and that “the 9/11 and JFK files should be released immediately.”
Their continued secrecy is one of “just so many questions,” according to Stone. Where do questions like this lead him?
“It leads to this feeling that there’s a cabal, or something in Washington that has been there, kind of a strange ghost, like a cabal that goes back to the 60s with Kennedy’s murder? Yes, that continues in some strange embodiment today.”
This ghost in the machinery of power is the real subject of Stone and Kuznick’s work.
The killing of JFK, still a state secret?
Stone, once derided as a “conspiracy theorist” for his film questioning the official narrative of the Kennedy assassination, has according to Carlson lived to see himself “vindicated.”
Stone not only describes the official account as “this silly Lee-Harvey-Oswald-did-it-stuff” but also points out that when Kennedy died a new vision for U.S.-Russia relations was also killed.
“It’s a bigger story because now it’s the world that is at stake. It’s not the life of one man. He had a vision, as Peter [Kuznick] said, of humanizing Russia, bringing them into the world community that was defeated when he was killed, that was very badly defeated.”
According to Kuznick and Stone, a world without permanent moves towards war with Russia was also assassinated the day John F. Kennedy was killed.
Kuznick notes that Kennedy gave a speech which he had prepared without the knowledge or influence of the CIA. The speech warned of the dangers of the “death wish for humanity” pursued by the Biden administration, in its aggressive posturing towards Russia.
Kuznick explained, “So what Kennedy says is so relevant to today, he says to put a nuclear adversary in a position of either suffering a humiliating defeat or using nuclear weapons is either a colossal failure of statesmanship or a collective death wish for humanity, which is exactly what Biden is doing.”
This remarkable account of U.S. history shows the heavy-hand of Zionist-neocon expansionism, coupled with a technocratic plan of world domination. It also shows how it could have been stopped, unearthing astonishing, if forgotten moments in American history.
One example is the 1934 Nye Committee’s efforts to ban war profiteering – and the subsequent backlash from an emerging military-industrial complex which shut down the argument for life in American foreign policy for almost a century.
How was this achieved? Together with Carlson, both Kuznick and Stone explain that the use of a powerful propaganda system has been instrumental in selling permanent war as peace and security to the American people.
With this refined death machinery edging us towards Armageddon, as they argue, the untold history of the United States which they describe is now more valuable to understanding the present than ever.
Help evacuate suffering Christians in Gaza:LifeFunder
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